okay, so I have so much to say starting with Sunday....I woke up at 2am and was so sad...not sure why, just was...so I turned on CNN ( the only people that seem to be up when I am) & I watched an entire hour about Anna Nicole Smith..that whole story breaks my heart...at 3am had this strong and incredible force/feeling to watch last weeks church service (you can watch archived lessons on the computer) (I was in AZ the week before so I missed Pastor Rick's message) anyways, I was brought to tears as as sat for the next hour as Pastor Rick taught "How God Heals our Hidden Wounds" ....and then I did something really odd and out of the ordinary for me especially now at 4am in the morning) I cant not believe that I am going to tell you this...but I will...Britney Spears has REALLY been on my heart lately...a very sad sorry...and for some reason I just want to talk to her, to hug her...to remind her about GOD, because I think she forgot....so, I got online and looked up a facility that she reportedly is at & I spoke to a counselor for a good 25 minutes about how heavy she was on my heart, and although they couldnt confirm or deny anything, I continued to talk. After I hung up, I was sad for a minute, but then that incredible force came over me and I was reminded that all I could do was pray for her. and I re-read all of my notes from the 3am messge from Rick...
How can you reach someone that seems to be unreachable even if they are right in front of you? You must have FAITH (and prayer) ....it is a necessity. because without it, you have doubt, and if you have doubt, you can not be positive...but as long as you have faith, you have the confidence necessary to conquer anything.
I have more to say but will stop here....for now....have a great day