Most of you know that I created and am working on a BIG AUCTION to benefit and raise funds for my commitment to the Avon 3 Day 39.3 walk this coming Sept. and have created the "Fight For the Girl{s} campaign.
As things come together I will keep you informed on all of the details...BUT, I thought that I would kick off this week with a little something....Homegrown.
In the past year, I have received MANY emails & inquiries regarding my magazines published through CKMedia:
and while these magazines are no longer in circulation, I had an "idea" and contacted my friend Megan @ CK last week and asked if they could donate the "leftovers" to the auction. Well, in the mail on Friday, I received about 1 dozen of each issue...and so here I am, hopefully inspiring you to make a donation and in return, you can choose one of the magazines and I will send it to you...or two..or three...
I did not know exactly how to "pitch the idea" to you because I am a no pressure, just "get along", equal opportunity, totally non-competitive type o' girl that really hates to "ask", especially in such a financially tough economy...but then, today at church, right there on the message notes was a verse that made it very clear to me...
so, here is me..asking consider a donation of $7.00. (5.99 of the proceeds goes to the Avon Foundation & 1.00 for shipping)
there is a hitch...there are only 12 of each, so you are going to have to email me at [email protected] first..BEFORE YOU MAKE A that I can keep track of the magazines....
It is a totally SIMPLY COMPLICATED way to "ask", but I do hope that you would consider making a contribution because together, we can Celebrate Hope and Fight for the Girl{s}!