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It is Saturday, January 29th.
I just got back from a great run through the canyon road right along the backside of our neighborhood. It is a stones throw away from home but when you are on the path, it seems like somewhere else. The hills are truly alive after being burnt two years ago and flooded just four weeks ago. The sun is bright and happy..birds are flying and singing, the mountains seem to be standing firm and even though there are horse "landmines" here and there, the occasional coyote pile of whatever...it is really, really beautiful. As I ran with my headphones blasting, I yelled (probably way to loud for that early in the morning)up to Ben (who was riding his bike way ahead of me)"I wish I had my camera!"
Do not put it past me to take it next time..we all know that I can run and take photos...
I am a dork, I know!
anyways, today is Saturday, January 29th...
one of the BIGGEST days in the INDUSTRY that I "create" in.
The first day of CHA...the Craft & Hobby Association Opening day...and it is, ut um, about 40 minutes north of here in LA...
I am not going.
(insert screeching breaks sound effect)
That is the first time I have told you this and believe me, I have typed it out several times...just never pressed the "publish" button. Do not worry....I am NOT leaving the creative world...just taking a break from that extreme part of it because I am CLOSED FOR RESTORATION!
I know me and I know that Tsunami RUSH that hits me as I step onto the show floor...it is big, strong, overwhleming and over-stimulating and I am so at a place RIGHT NOW of being focused on restoring, cultivating, repairing and renewing that I did not want to disrupt my progression
so today, Saturday, January 29th
I am at home..enjoying the morning..doing laundry and teaching myself how to paint flowers with watercolors!
First, I was so excited to wake up and find that my little love bird was "Today's Featured Birdie" on the Brave Girls Daily Truth! Eeek!
and there is a cute little story aboout this little birdie...
Last weekend, I found myself sitting and then eventually laying on the garage floor with a box full of old crayons, markers and pencils that the boys have used through the years. (I keep it in the garage because I often have little "love bugs" with anxious little creative hearts & hands "ready to play"when they see me in the garage.)
So, with all of the dads standing in our garage this past weekend, watching football and yadda yadda yadda...in came my little visitors. (That is how I ended up on the floor)...when in walked my most favorite little girl with the cutest little t-shirt on...with a little bird on it. (inserts screeching breaks sound effect). It stopped my in my tracks, for just a minute, so that I could quickly doodle it out on a scratch paper and then of course, I continued on coloring and cutting while laying on the garage floor.
Once the football was over, the papers were picked up, the box of markers was tucked back into place and the garage was quiet, the little brave birdie came to fruition!
now, on last little thingy dingy...Some of you have asked, and YES! I am in the early concept stages of Doodle 201, so I would suggest that if you have not already taken Doodle 101, please do...because you will want the basics down...here is just a look at one of the new doodles that will be part of 201
In case you have not noticed (but I think you have) I have been a little vague with alot of my cre-a-tive-ness since the beginning of the year...actually even before then because I got myself into a pickle with everything I was doing..not doing...trying to do and not wanting to do...(and how does one even get into a pickle, anyways??)
it all pretty much fell apart.
It was all a long time coming and I do not need to go into the gritty details. I am not one to point fingers, name names and blah blah blah because that does no good. The point is, I recognized what was happening, I picked myself UP, dusted myself off, stretched myself out, and now I am moving on and moving up.
It took getting to a certain point where I had to STOP, pretty much "drop and roll" and now, with the help of an amazing GOD, some really GREAT books, a handful of wonderful friends, a family that is always ready to witness my "take off" (over and over and over) and a renewed confidence....
I am ready to launch. (here is a little snippet from my art journal yesterday)
During this self proclaimed "Self Intervention" I am taking alot of time to really listen to what speaks to me the most. (and no, doodles do not talk..you know what I mean!) This is hard for me because I love LOVE love to create alot of things....all at the same time. doodled this yesterday..first thing in the morning
well, DUH! who would not want to do that...BUT that is not going to help me..help you unless I refocus it into a lesson of some sort...through inspiring, teaching and sharing...so, in a nutshell..that is exactly what I am in the middle of..right now!
I guess I could have just said that in the very beginning...but that would not have been as fun!
Thanks for sticking with wm and "getting me"!
The Valentine & I have been making HUGE strides in our new practice of eating well, and we feel really good!! We visited the new Farmers Market and were able to gather a ton of yummy new fruits including pomegranate seeds and Asian Pears, along with some really good vegetables. It has us both excited to replant the ol' Homegrown Garden soon and have found the lOVE for a new staple to the pantry..Quinoa! (Thanks Regina!)
I practiced my housecleaning skills this weekend as my "cardio" as well as taking a few GOOD walks (walk like you are "late"!) and man, was it refreshing..and when I was finished, and after a nap (or two!) I practiced my creative skills and that was very rewarding..try it..you'll love it!
Cultivating and Restoring is working well and I highly suggest that you just GET UP and do it!!! "Change is Possible..It is only the Beginning" but take it one step at a time...it is worth it!
I am crazy creatively busy cultivating just about every single part of my life...mentally..physically..spiritually..and creatively (cutting felt like a loon!)...and although it has only been 22 days (well, since the beginning of 2011) I am feeling some shifts...seeing some changes and enjoying the process. Hey, I am NOT saying that everyday is a rainbow...shoot..I will be the first to say that it isn't, especially when I saw the number on the scale last night as we kicked off our small group Daniel Plan...but, again, with a goal, focus, determination, a plan, desire, faith and a whole lot of dedication...this journey will be a life changing...heck, lifesaving experience.
I hope that all of this "blah blah blah" is not boring you or detouring you from coming here. I am soooo glad that you are here and as I mentioned a week or so ago, to be a better ME for you...I need to be a better ME for GOD and a better ME for me...remember, this is a Self Intervention on ME...by ME with the power of GOD, whew!
The one thing I could NOT do is do it on my own...and either can you. WE all need eachother and that is why I am sharing it here..(LUCKY YOU!!!) so thank you again for still being here!
My intentions include defining, refining, underlining (well, and even crossing out) several things on my to-do list and so as I continue on...I pray that you will continue on with me.
Now, onto a few creative things...one of my best creative pals, Lain
is getting ready to kick off a new online class called L.O.A.D (stands for LayOut a Day) and I would LOVE for you to go check it out and have a listen to what she has to tell you about it...
and a little look at something that I created yesterday and am finding that I kinda LOVE to do...playing with..paint..canvas...Mod Podge (I call it Modge Podge)buttons....paper...quotes and doodles.
I am really trying to fine tine and finish up my Inspired Workshop and the ideas and projects keep growing!
p.s. there is still time to start the Doodle 101 class, too!...just sayin!
Remember...You have to "Believe it to see it"
so maybe, today, with all of that extra paper...fabric...felt.....whatever you have go make a banner that is gracefully strung together....
and psst...in case you wanna learn to doodle...go here
I have decided to open up the Basic Doodle 101 Online classroom for those who have missed it in the past! Take a look at how many doodlers there are all over the world:
The class is $18.00 and you will recieve 5 lessons (all posted to the site and ready for you to work at your own pace!)
There are also several downloads for you as well as hints, tips and tricks.
Here is some basic info about class:
You know me by now...I am not a "bells and whistles" type girl, and although at times I wish I was, I fall right back into the same way I have always been...
Simply Complicated
If you do not know what exactly that means, there are several places that I will give you links to so that you can laugh along the way, and perhaps even realize that YOU are also...
Simply Complicated
Now the first thing you need to know about this class is that doodling is a very simple skill that we can of course, complicate.
First, you need to make the decision right now that YOU are going to be in charge of the doodles and that the doodles are not going to be in charge of you and Second, there is NO perfection needed...or allowed! Maybe a little patience because although it is a simple skill, it will take time to develop your own style. Eventually, I promise, there will be that defining moment (which I will miss seeing) when the light bulb flickers on and you might even say "ahhh" out loud! (That is my most favorite part of this class when I am teaching it in person. )
Most Importantly, I need you to RELAX...there is no pressure, no hurry and no perfection needed. REMEMBER..YOU are in charge so leave all of your concerns and the need to be perfect all at the door, or on the floor, or outside..wherever you may be and
just RELAX.
This class is the perfect place to RELAX & let your mind wander, which we need in our hustle bustle lives..BUT....there is a certain amount of danger associated with this class and technique....and that is that you may find yourself addicted to doodling. This might sound crazy, but just like cutting felt letters, stitching and baking...doodling is what I do to RELAX.
Q: How long will this class be open and available ?
A: The class starts as soon as you sign up...and as soon as you finish it. It is all posted and ready for you to start as soon as you are ready!
Q: What supplies do I need?
A: I am a "use what you have" kinda girl, so let's start with what you already have! Paper (cardstock & plain ol' computer paper). There is more information and links (Doodle Tools) for you to check out the "goods" that I use in the classroom! To start..all you need is
This class is a "work at your own pace" "work at any time of the day" (just do not let your boss see!) "Work as long as you want"...the point is, you log on and you do what you want, when you want.
If you have any other questions, please just email me, which brings me to my first request. If you ever need to ask me anything, not just about doodling, please feel free to email me [email protected]
If you have a blog, I would love to list a link over on the sidebar of the classroom so that we can all get to know each other and see each others creativeness!!! Please send your blog address to me at the above email address and be sure to insert "I have a blog" in the subject line.
Lastly, I LOVE and always promote sharing and "passing it on" but in this case, I want to ask that you do not share or pass on your user name and password to our class. I will ask that you do share the class info and encourage your friends to doodle with us!
Okay, that is it! who's ready???? on your mark..get set..