journal } Log Your Memory
I want to be honest, transparent and upfront for my newer readers (hi!) and remind all of the rest of you out there (hi to you too!) that I have a very strong and growing Faith BUT (and that damn BUT (sorry for the language!) will always get in the way..if you go to Saddleback then you know exactly what I am talking about) I still become "concerned" (not worried) about situations...or better, I let FEAR of "things"get in my way and ultimately prohibit me from making strides forward in most aspects of my life.
Maybe you can not see that about me...or maybe you did not know it (or maybe you did?) BUT (ugghh!) it is true....and I do not think, no...I know, that I am NOT alone.
Luckily YOU are just reading this, in the comfort of your own home, in your cubical at work or somewhere in between (hopefully not reading this while you are driving!)..
anyways...a long time ago, I gave myself the title of one of GODS "Creative Crash Test Dummies" and use this blog as a "Show & Tell" to share with you what I go through (well, most of what I go through), what I learn, what I fail at, what I create, what I succeed at, etc. so that you are reminded that you are not alone, in any parts of life...ever.
I know that our situations, circumstance's, cultures, faiths and relationships are all different, but the ONE thing that we all have in common here is that we are HUMAN and if you never get any inspiration from this blog, the one thing I want you to get is HOPE and the knowledge that you are NEVER alone...
p.s. I know, I spelled the word "ultimately" WRONG in my journal. I do that ALOT but I can not scribble it out..maybe I should start using a pencil.