Creativity comes natural to me and so I am blessed. I thank GOD daily for it and at the same time, I continually pray for clarity and direction to work along with it because I can not see what it in front of me.
at all.
2010 was again one of those amazing CREATIVE years where I lived, loved and learned so much in and out of the "Creative Industry" BUT (and there is that big but again) creativity unmanged causes CHAOS and without going into any specifics, reasons or finger pointing, I ended up in a rut...A big one..and had to make some big changes.
Good thing I have a BIG shovel and a GOD to accompany me in digging myself out (and a dang good husband that is a "Heavy Equipment Operator" just in case i need an Earth Mover and a pile of friends and a supportive family to hold the net!) because for the last 6 months of 2010, I was in a hole deep enough to hold us all. Nobody to blame but myself for the Creative Chaos I was in, well...sorta. The thing is, it does no good to blame this, that or the other for the "Creative Whirling Dervish" I WAS. What is important for me to do is look at who, what, why and then learn from it and move on.
Are you confused?, me too..
but you know me and if you read it over and over, you will get it because I KNOW that I am not the only one who has "Been There, Done That" and that is why I feel okay to share all of this.
The fact is, things are shaping up, smoothing out and moving on and I have regained Creative Control of ME.