Well, besides one silly cable that I need to go get, I am back in business...Praise the Lord! I am a happy little "get back to work" camper with a brand new system, some ideas brewing, a few new classes being written and a whole lotta art to create and kits to prepare because this time next month, I will be in Pennsylvania...
Loving the land
and creating/teaching art....and stitching...and sharing chocolate chip cookies....
Funny how when "things, issues,etc. " happen, we are forced to stop and then we recognize what is working, what is not working and what could work different, less or better. I WISH I would learn lessons BEFORE issues arise, but, I am human, duh, and I forget....that is why I do what I do and I am so appreciative of your patience, support, prayers, "words of wisdom" and "hang in there's".