Yesterday on my way to the post office, a new sign caught my eye. I drove by the building that is the new home to the "Joy Factory", the Jessie Rees Foundation. I can NOT imagine being a mom that would be putting up a sign on a building in honor of my child, but that is exactly what a family in our community, a family in our church is faced with and is doing..and has vowed to keep their precious Jessie's dream alive.
INSERT Purpose.
I am on team NEGU..
NEGUstands for Never Ever Give Up and is something we have really started living by in our little home sweet home. It was what Jessie did in the 10 month she fought...and ultimately lost. It is her story, the will of a 12 year old girl that taught us to NEVER EVER GIVE UP and will continue to be a force in our house.
So what in the world can I possibly do to help besides pray?
I can paint and I can run.
(NOT a the same time, duh!)
What can YOU do?
- You can Join Team Negu and help spread the word
- You could simply "like" Jessie's FB page (they are trying to get to 200,000 likes by April 8th, which would have been Jessie's 13th birthday)
- You could sponsor me and Team NEGU for the 1/2 Marathon by clicking that little red scrolling box up there in the right corner because I am training and will run that race for her and for all of those little love bugs that are fighting with that DAMN cancer (excuse my language).
- You could go to Ebay and bid on this new 12x12 canvas that I just finished last night:
I am auctioning this handpainted 12x12 Mixed Media canvas that reads "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24:15. All proceeds from this auction will be donated to the Jessie Rees Foundation.
GOD gave me the skills and abilities to paint, doodle...and run so that is what I'm between laundry, carpool and painting base know, stuff like that.
So..what are you waiting for???? I just listed the canvas on an auction..for 5 days and I sure hope that I did it right...
Happy Friday!