4:13...The "address" of one of my life verses:
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Phil. 4:13
and a number that has come up several times in the past week.
At church yesterday, I learned an awesome way to create a habit of gratitude. Think about the date of your birthday (mine is 4/13) and turn that into a time (4:13) Now, get out your phone and set the alarm for everyday at that time. (Tip - set it at pm so you do not get an early morning reminder!) Every time that alarm sounds, chimes, beeps, rings or vibrates, stop and say/think or write down something that you are grateful for.
Friday night when I walked into Athlete's Choice to set up for the boutique, Kevin, owner of 1Eighty Apparel was setting up his booth and when he turned around, he was wearing this shirt.. and I was not surprised. It was not a coincidence...God does not talk to me in a great thunderous echo-ish deep voice...HE talks to me in ways like this.
All Things...
I, we, you, can do all things...with the strength HE gives us. Not with our own strength....and thankful...We must be thankful for all things...not just the good things, but again ALL Things and I was reminded of that as I was reading this book last night... and as I turned the page that I had decided would be my last of the night...
there it was...
okay..go set your alarms!
p.s. the 4:13 story will continue on Wednesday..that's all I am sayin.