Many are thankful for for health, wealth and
happiness and those who are struggling with loss, fear, this is a special reminder to you that we must rejoice always...
regardless of circumstances that are not in our control (because really
none of it is) we should live daily with a grateful heart and give
thanks in all circumstances.
Without our personal trials, we would not be able to develop patience or faithfulness and without the circumstances we have to endure, would we experience great change and personal growth.
I know that many hate really dislike the phrase, "Everything thing happens for a reason"but...with great faith, you know that it does and it will....and with that said, we know that the outcome will be grand, therefore, we must Rejoice Always.
Today, I am thankful for my God and for home, family, friends and church, but also for the constant workout to strengthen my relationship with the Lord, a continual push to develop patience, to always remember to seek Joy in the midst of pain and sorrow and to continue to move foreword in walk by faith.
Today, I wish for you the same. To seek joy...push through the rough spots and rejoice always...Happy Thanksgiving Friends.