My pals and I have just finished up the Brene Brown & Oprah Online course based on the book The Gifts of Imperfection. Not only do I LOVE the book, I loved the course and what I got out of it.
As mentioned last week in this post, I have started to share my story with you and as I do, I will share some of my art journal. I am learning that as I share, it is healing and positive for me and in return, seems to encourage you to share, too. I want you to know that not only was this page difficult to create, it is a little hard to share. Sharing is not always easy, but is necessary.
The prompt for the lesson was to use a picture that reflects you. Some used pictures of when they were a young child but I chose to use the one below. After we chose a photo to use, we were asked to answer this question about that photo: "What do you see when you look at her"
It may seem like a familiar photo to you because it is my "avatar" picture but what you don't know is what it represents for me and why I have not changed it.
My description is stamped right there on the lower left page and reads "The beginning of the end which lead to a new creative beginning." Little did I know that it was a very important part of my journey of TRANSFORMING.
This picture was taken by my sweet friend Ambrosia at a very changing time in my creative life. It was very rocky, almost to the crumbling point and I was feeling VERY unstable. As yucky as it was for me, at the very same time, I knew I was okay.
I was comfortable being me in my baseball hat, hoodie and jammie pants and secure in my faith that although I did not know where I was going or what was next, I was headed in the right direction. I was with people I loved being with in a place I was not comfortable being at which sounds terrible, but this picture represents a strength that at the time, I did not realize I had.
During the time that this photo was taken, there were several uncomfortable situations going on but again, at the same time this photo was taken, there were healing realizations happening and I was learning to embrace them.
After finishing up my page, I created this as a reminder for myself, and now also, for you. That friends, is the truth.
Today, I challenge you to seek a photo of yourself and take some time to do the same and then share it. Share it with me, share it with a loved one because sharing heals.