My 2014 was jam packed with traveling, teaching, journaling, learning, focusing, celebrating, reconnecting, slowing down, saying no, staying open, choosing, dreaming, failing, balancing, dropping, growing, stretching and transforming.
2014 was a good year because it was a good year.
Yes it had bumps, bruises, forks in the road, terrible moments and heartbreaking situations but it had equally wonderful times, celebrations, random acts of crazy and everything that comes in-between.
I guess because I am growing older (& wiser) I am learning to embrace and accept each day as it comes and to make lemonade out of the lemons that drop from the tree once in awhile. I am also recognizing that time is going by faster,
Way faster.
Way too fast and that is why it is most important to get a recipe to make lemonade. I know this all sounds a little cliche' but really, any day that is a new day is a good day.
Of course there will be those days BUT when they come, it all has to do with how firmly your roots are planted to be able to handle and manage those days. For me, I know that I have to eat well, sleep well, physically move daily and stay aligned with God to deal with anything.
Actually to deal with everything.
If any one of those things are off center then when a gust of life blows in, I crumble.
Let me remind you that I am human and admit that I am not always aligned. I get busy, I get out of whack, off tract, out of focus and off my axis and it is ugly. I KNOW what I need to do but don't always do it.
ugh. When I am mishandling my personal, physical and/or spiritual life, crap happens and that is the very moment that I know that I have got to refocus, realign, readjust and get myself back on tract. It is something I MUST do everyday (sometimes several times a day.)
Am I babbling or do you totally get it?
Here it is.
When I am deeply rooted, aligned, well fed and rested, well then, all is well (even when it isn't) I am prepared and ready to handle take the occasional gust of wind and the storms that come with life. I can say all of that with confidence now because 2014 was my year of "transforming"
What I learned is that I don't do the "transforming" but that I open up and allow God to do the transforming. I learned that on February 15, 2014 (and the reason I remember that is because I wrote it down in my Documented Life Planner.)
The process of being transformed has changed my disposition, the way I work, the way I react, respond and because it is a lifelong process, I will fall, I will fail and I will forget. BUT I will NOT let it stop my progression. Like anything else, I will learn from the hiccups, get up, brush off (okay, maybe cry a little) and then keep on going. It is sorta like a new peace that I have learned. Yay!
But again, there are those moments where I just want to punch someone, spit on someone or just cry under the sheets. That does happen (okay, NOT the spitting) but I do not let it overcome me or ruin anything.
2014 and Transform have been very good for me and as I head straight into a new year, I will not choose a new word but continue to stay OPEN to what is to come (and THAT is part of transforming)
Thank you for always hanging on with me, celebrating with me, high fiving with me, forgiving me, understanding me and accepting me. I am grateful, thankful and blessed by you and I look forward to a wildly creative journey with you in 2015.