I started blogging in January 2006. Jack was 11 and Ben was 7....I was 37.
Jack is now 27 and Ben is 23, I am still 37 and our nest is empty (not a fan)
In 2006 and for years after, blogs were where we all stayed in touch, shared what we were creating, where we were teaching, what new products were about to come out, who was on what design team and lots of random things about our home lives and families...and magazines. I know I could not wait for every new issue of Creating Keepsakes and Simple Scrapbooks to come out.
Back in the good ol' days.
Then entered an avalanche of technology and social media. We accidentally forgot how to slow down and read something more than 2 sentences long and we now scroll and scroll and scroll. It was fun at first because it was easy and simple...Back in the good ol' days. Now we are bombarded with videos, stories, advertisements and REELS (I hate to break your heart but I do not think you are going to get reels from me. My technical capacity is maxed out.) We are going so fast scrolling past do fast, if you don't see it, you miss it and then it's gone and that is just Instagram.
There is still Facebook and while I know these places are good for many things, I personally get overwhelmed with all the places and I am finding myself posting one place and forgetting to post to the other or posting twice in one place and not in the other.
I AM NOT QUITTING SOCIAL MEDIA...I am just going to start blogging again. It is the one place "I own" and will not disappear if something goes wrong on social media platforms. You think I would have learned that 4 years ago when in a blip, my Instagram was gone and never recovered.
I keep referring to the good ol' days but THESE ARE THE GOOD OL' DAYS RIGHT NOW.
I am glad to be back to this place. It's been too long.
I will be updating and hope to make this a landing place for all the things. Thank you to those who are still following along since the beginning and hello to those of you who are new.