Using my life, being honest and transparent and not "glittering & embellishing" my life is how I write, well type, on this blog, and although I would love to be able to tell you that all is ALWAYS happy, creative, clean, tidy, well and fine here at our little "home sweet home", just like your home sweet home, it has its bumps...its wonderful peaks...a few valleys with overgrown trails, walls that need to be painted, rainbows made with skittles (maybe not) BUT regardless of anything else, at the end of the day...
I know..
deep down...(sometimes deeper than others)
it will all be okay...
because God says so..
and because HE made me a mom of boys (which I realized this weekend, is what MOB stands for)
With honesty and transparency, I also have to respect the peeps and keep privacy a priority, but I will tell you that at a very late hour on Friday night, I sat on the edge of my bed, not even able to squeak out a tear, wondering what many moms wonder....."How in the world to divide myself into three"..for the peeps in the house (excluding the dang dog!), knowing what to do, where to go..when to say often to say no....enter your favorite "wonder" question here :______________________________
I share this because I KNOW...I am not alone with this.
I could not sleep, I could not laugh, I could not cry, I pretty much was like an owl, "owling" on the side of the bed..just sitting there...when Ben called my name...
"Mooooooooooooom ???????????"
Without all of the details..he could not sleep and he wanted me to lay with him. I told him that when I can not sleep, I pray (go figure, maybe the "owl" should have taken her own advice, duh!) I suggested that he lay there and talk to God...
That is when he asked me if I could "say our prayers out loud"
Prayers said....and 10 minutes later...sleep found...for the both of us.

The above doodle is on my "today list" because I have a lot of things to do...I am a nurse mom again.. In case you did not see my ER posts on FB yesterday, this MOB has a boy with a broken elbow..yep, another broken bone (MOESLB=mom of extreme sports loving boys) and I have made it clear that 2012 is our summer vacation year, so all broken bones need to be done and healed by July.
Oh...and in the midst of all of this life going on, I have been trying to stitch, paint, sew and figure out what the heck (would prefer to use the other "H" word) I should be doing next...praying for clarity...for a sign...for direction...for something for the love of Pete.....and I happily, right in the middle of REALLY TRYING TO FOCUS AND STAY ON TASK..was BLESSED with a "Whole New Doodle" for 2012.
Yep, a brand new doodle style for 2012...out with the old with the new.
Prayers answered...just need to get everything else finished first.
Thank you God.