WARNING: it is a REALLY long one...but try to read through..I think it is kinda worth reading...and there is a BRAND NEW CLASS ANNOUNCEMENT at the end!
In the past years and in the recent days, I have received comments, questions and emails from you about how "impressed you are" on how I "get things done"
Truth is...I don't always get my "creative things" done..or, shoot, my "physical" things done...or the house cleaning done..or, for the love of Pete, the laundry done...BUT (and yes, she is a big butt!) for the past 11 months I have been aggressively "Cultivating" just about every aspect of my life...for the better (at least, I hope!). "CULTIVATE" is the word I chose for 2011 and I have been running that poor little nine lettered word through the ringer!
I have been cultivating my faith, our home, my family and my art. I have lost focus way too many times, fought anxiety and doubt more than I prefer to admit (although I just did!), experienced one too many "forks in the road" and, at the same time, seen the road as clear as a bell and felt just as confused and lost...all while keeping my center.
That, my friends...is my FAITH in action.
whew...BUT (damn big butt, sorry for the language!) I have felt motion sickness along the whole entire way. You see, I have always, no, make that "had" (because I am REALLy trying hard to work on this)1001 projects going at the same time.
In the past few years, I have tried so so hard to change, modify, tweak...whatever it is...the way I work, but the fact is, that IS the way I work, when it comes to "art". I think back to my high school days in Mr. Friedrich's class and I was the same way. I think back to when I "tried" to be a college student in art class, and again, I was the same way...so for the past year, and more recently in the past few months, I have been a complete "Whirling Dervish" when it comes to creativeness while trying to stay grounded, focussed and the new truth is..
It is starting to change. (insert marching band music, fireworks, floats..)
Two of the best tools that I can suggest, that have proven to work for me is: God and a List.
It is really that simple.
I have come to finally recognize after being told, having read, even hearing it over and over, that I, no, WE, can not do things on our own.
We think we can "try" but the facts are the facts, so again, what is working for me is God..and a List. Each of my days start with a little quiet time (besides the snoring dog) coffee with Hazelnut creamer and creating a list of the days "to-do's" thoughts, a doodle or two and a verse and/or quote....
and then,
light a bolt of lightning (even though it was 84 degrees) it all came to me yesterday as I "checked off" one of the entries on my days list.
Now, here is my list for today:
After you are finished squinting, trying to read what is on my lists, go back and take a look at the first picture and read what is listed first:
- "Create a mini book from the "pile"
Now go back and take a look at the second photo, and right there, to the left and above my list is what I accomplished and why there is a check mark on photo one. Yesterday, I was on task, calm and completely 100% creatively focused. I was not sure exactly what I was creating. but knew that I was creating in the right direction.
That again...I am proud to say..
is FAITH in action. (go ahead, you can clap!)
Note: the "pile" WAS (keyword) a HUGE avalanching pile of 12x12 papers that I have been HOARDING for way too long because I was going to, "ut um"...use them one day. Yesterday WAS that day. It took up a majority of the day, but I used it all...and there was A LOT!!!!
I created an entire 7" x 9.5" binder book that I am now writing an entire 12 month BASIC, EASY NO STRESS "follow along" class about the whole enchilada.. It includes what I have learned in the past year...what I have been working on, striving for and cultivating. Like I said, I am in the middle of writing the class curriculum so it is going to be a week or two before any more details will be available, but I can tell you that the first six months is based on:
January - Being Honest with Yourself
February - Surrendering Your Heart
March - Owning your Talent
April - Random Acts of Art
May - Life IS Beautiful
June - Surrounding Yourself with Friends
The "Part One..the first six months of 2012"online class will include a weekly journal prompt posted to the closed FB page, a monthly PDF printable calendar, a monthly PDF printable doodle to color an embellish to add to your own journal based on that months theme, a PDF of journal prompts, quotes and verses based on the monthly subject, techniques...
One of the best parts about this class is that you can do it with the avalancing pile of paper you already have...at home, in your jammies...whenever you want, wherever you are. The supplies are basic...a small binder, page protectors that fit into the binder and your basic "scrapbooking" supplies..well and your avalanche of paper.
OH..and..just in time to put on your "Christmas List" (Download Momswishlist).....The other best part about the class is the way you can purchase it:
The First Six Months for....$32.00
All Twelve Months for...$40.24
It is AMAZING what happens when a "whirling dervish" slows down...she..no, me (and probably you, too!) can focus.
More to come...and it is gonna be wonderful!!!
PLEASE NOTE: Nothing will be physically shipped to you for this class but it is IMPERATIVE that the correct EMAIL address is provided on your order to receive all class materials. Facebook is NOT required for this class. All prompts will be posted to group and emailed weekly.